29 May 2011

The Time I Went to a School with People with Superpowers

Last night I dreamt that I went to either a boarding school or a small liberal arts college. In one wing of the school, all the students with superpowers hung out. They had their classes and dorms there, and most of them rarely went to any other part of the school. I was part of this wing, but I don't know what my superpower was. I may have been a squib, to borrow from J. K. Rowing.

For fun, my friends and I would jump around the stairwells. Some would even leap down the shaft between the stairwells and grab a bannister three floors down. One of my friends could almost fly and used the stairwells for practice. Some of us looked normal enough, like the stretchy guy, to wander out of our wing without arousing suspicion, but then there was a really tall girl, a bluish vampire, and a hairless guy with raised lines all over his body. They had to keep a lower profile.

One of the normal-looking superhero girls started liking a new guy at the school who was not a superhero. She even invited him to hang out with us, in our non-superhero capacities, once or twice.

Afterwards, the rest of us had a meeting to discuss him where we all sat cross-legged on the dingy, yellowish linoleum of our hallway. Half of us thought it was okay for him to hang out with us and perhaps eventually know about us, and half of us thought it was a bad idea and the girl should stop seeing him. We compromised by deciding to investigate him further before making a final decision. I was nominated to conduct the investigation. I was supposed to go to the normal wing of the school and talk to a girl whom we had learned through sources was his ex-girlfriend.
The ex-girlfriend, a small, dark-haired girl who worked in the student store, told me as she arranged pencils behind the counter that she and the guy had never dated. They were just really good platonic friends. I was suspicious and wondered what was wrong with him. Then she said he was a nice guy and that my friend should take a chance on him. I thanked her for her time and started walking back to my wing. The girl put her hand on my arm, and when I had gotten down the hallway to the corner, her hand was still on my arm. I looked back and saw her arm stretched all the way down the hallway. The other students in the hallway just walked around as if they either didn't notice or were so familiar with superpowers that they weren't interested.
I shook off her hand and retreated to my wing to discuss on the floor with my friends. Maybe my superpower was that I transfer superpowers from one person I touched to another. On the other hand, maybe there were people with superpowers at the school whom we didn't know about. Maybe that "nice guy" was a spy for another superpower-having faction.

Then a professor showed up and handed out transcripts. I was graduating, but I had holds on my transcript. I asked the professor about the hold codes, and she looked at my transcript with her brow furrowed for a while and then concluded that I must have not returned all the textbooks I checked out. She shrugged, "You know that health book, well, none of the graduating girls have returned that." I promised to find the books and give them back, and then I woke up for a little bit.

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