Then my cousin and I went to visit my aunt or her aunt or our aunt in London. The flight was long, but her place was much more open than my house and had wood floors.
The aunt was some kind of magic healer, and she gave us a spell that allowed us to travel through time. I decided immediately that my friend/cousin and I would travel five years into the future. I mean, being fourteen really sucks and it would be nice to skip it.

The aunt came in the room. She had more gray in her hair and was wearing a different muumuu. She said something like, "There you are!" I asked why we didn't look older, and she said it was because we'd skipped five years rather than living them out. I thought about it and was okay because even if my body was still fourteen, my birth certificate would show I was nineteen, so I could at least skip high school stupidity.
Then I thought about my dad. I had disappeared for five years! He must be worried sick. The aunt agreed with me. I ran out to go find him. First I went to the airport and used the magic powers that I apparently possessed to buy a $5000 ticket (inflation) to the US without money. But then the dream rewound a bit and I realized my dad had come to London to look for me five years ago and then stayed just in case I appeared there. He had been drinking a lot the last time the aunt saw him, and that was a couple years ago. I went to a scary part of East London to find him, afraid he might be dead, and then I woke up.
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