Luckily, we soon came across a giant who had a bag that produced anything he asked it for, like in a fairytale. Somehow the giant became our slave, so he joined us on our journey out of Middle-earth. We clambered over rocks and stumbled through forests. Finally we came to the edge of Middle-earth, which was a cliff so high that we couldn't see the bottom of it. Whoever was pursuing us got closer.
Sean Bean commanded the giant to ask his bag for a large basket and a piece of never-ending rope. "Good idea!" said the giant. He asked his bag for these things and produced them. Sean Bean secured one end of the rope to the basket and left the other end in the giant's bag so the bag could keep producing rope. Sean Bean, Sean Astin, the other guy who may have been Richard Armitage, and I climbed into the basket.
I realized I had been clutching a lot of souvenirs during our journey. I had a large jar with a small beehive and a lot of Middle-earth honey together with a birdcage or something. The giant started to lower us down the cliff.

I saw my real-life cat, Missy Butterball, lapping up honey on the floor since in real life she seems to have missed the memo that cats can't taste sweet things. (How I knew she was doing this when the door was closed is just part of the dream.) I hugged my family and told them I was happy to see them after all that time in Middle-earth.
Then my dad shouted, "No, Tagoo!" and we all turned to look at his (real-life) Siamese-like moggy, who had climbed into the birdcage while we were all worried about the bees and was terrorizing the exotic Middle-earth bird I had brought back. My dad grabbed Tagoo by the scruff of her neck and dragged her out, still clutching a petrified bird that looked like a pygmy owl with canary feathers. My dad detached the cat's claws from the bird, which looked mostly undamaged except that it was literally scared to death, and then I woke up.
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