In the dream my mother was sending me on a mission, but it wasn't a missionary mission. It was a mission to retrieve buried treasure from inside the underwater skeleton of a giant sea snake. She helped me prepare for the dive in a creepy blue-tinged forest that looked like the forest where the Puritans take the human sacrifice in the Breaking Benjamin video "So Cold" (which I haven't seen for years, by the way). I suited up in full scuba gear (which I have never worn in my life). She packed my waterproof backpack with a plastic box of crayons and her special compact 1960 Reina-Valera Bible, which she bought in Seville during her mission, in a watertight plastic bag. Then I dove into the cold, dark water and swam down to the bottom of the cove, guided only by my headlamp.

At the bottom of the cove, as expected, I found the skeleton of a giant ancient sea snake. It's body was much wider in diameter than I am tall, so it must have been about eight feet or so. Between its teeth I swam, and I found gold coins carpeting what had been the bottom of its mouth. They shone from within, so the whole skeletal mouth, which was at least as large as a walk-in closet, was bathed in watery golden light. In the center of the sea of coins was a large, lidless chest containing gold coins, red jewels, and white pearls. I felt drawn to an onyx necklace from which dangled some sort of amulet—something that would bind Satan's power for all eternity. As I reached for it, the skeleton of the sea snake's tongue came to life. The end of the tongue bone was flat, shovel-shaped, and sharp, like a ceremonial spear. It lashed at me, trying to crush me or slice me in half.
Leaving the amulet in the chest, I twisted my way out of the snake's mouth only to be confronted with the Devil. He was a dark shadowy shape in the water. He was trying to keep me from resurfacing. I shot him with a harpoon, but it zipped right through his ethereal shape without harming him. How do I fight Satan? I asked myself. Of course, read the scriptures!
However, in order to read the special heirloom Spanish Bible my mother had given me, I would have to take it out of the plastic bag, ruining it forever. Unwilling to destroy the book, I picked it up, still in its watertight cover, and slashed at Satan with it. He dissolved into nothing, and I woke up.
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