Last night I dreamt that my family (That's the third dream about my family in a row—weird.) lived in a courtyard house in the North African desert and had access to vast weapons stores. I was cleaning my brother's room one morning, and I found a rifle, several large grenades, and a honeydew-sized bomb under his bed. Understandably, that freaked me out. Our whole house could blow up like Hill House in Foyle's War did last night! I ran to tell my mom, but it took me a long time to find her and my dad out in the Sahara. By the time we got back, the weapons and my brother were gone. Under his bed, however, I found a box of Dreyer's Creamy Coconut Fruit Bars. They were still a little cold, and when I took one of the box, I saw that the frozen bar had kept its shape even though it had melted. Victory! My parents and I turned all our attention to the Fruit Bars, which had also turned yellow in the heat so now they looked more like Dreyer's Pineapple Fruit Bars. I was biting into the coconutty goodness when I woke up.

Your blog is slowly becoming a dream journal.
ReplyDeleteAnd I like it.