03 August 2009

Blessings still happen even when you aren't a missionary

Yesterday I fasted for God to help me deal with the no-job, bored-as-heck semidepression situation. Then at testimony meeting, a returned missionary who gave his homecoming talk my first week in the YSA ward—who coincidentally came home the same week I did—bore his testimony. He talked about how he's been struggling with having no job and nothing to do (unemployment's at 12.4% in our area, and that doesn't even count returned missionaries). He said he's been feeling really depressed, and recently he started going to the bookstore to read books for a couple hours and then leave. This week in the bookstore he saw a man out of the corner of his eye who looked familiar, but he kept walking because he really didn't feel like talking to anybody. The Spirit ordered him to turn around and talk to the guy, so he did. He was one of the people who invited the returned missionary to his house to listen to the missionary lessons four years ago before the returned missionary was baptized! Now the man is covered in piercings and says he doesn't go to church anymore. The returned missionary bore his testimony to the man and told him to come to church, piercings and all. The returned missionary felt a new purpose and lost the depression that had been plaguing him for the past two and a half months.
This testimony was an answer to my fasting and prayer. I went up to the returned missionary to thank him for bearing his testimony, and he kind of blew me off. Oh, well, the testimony still stands.

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