"This is not the 1800s" said NOW President Terry O'Neill of the US general who made a no-pregnancy rule for the soldiers under his command. What do I say? No, this isn't the 1800s—and today pregnancy is an entirely preventable condition. Let's just be honest, even women who've been raped can take emergency contraceptives. Plus, in the 1800s, women were not soldiers.
Women who join the armed forces have made a commitment to serve. They have committed to serve as long and with as much dedication as the men have. If women in the military do not honor their commitment, they close doors for women in the military and the workforce in general. In order to fulfill their commitment, women can prevent pregnancy with abstinence, the Pill, condoms, diaphragms, or any combination of reliable birth control methods. Oops doesn't cut it when you've signed your life away. Women who prefer to play Russian roulette with fertility just plain shouldn't sign on the dotted line.
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