My younger sister was like Marianne, and I was like Elinor. (After I woke up, I realized it would be impossible to be Marianne. No one reads Sense and Sensibility and relates to Marianne. People like Marianne are only experienced by outsiders.) There was this Colonel Brandon character, except he was also like Edward Rochester (okay, not Regency) because he had rich skanks running after him, and he was madly in love with my sister but it was hopeless because he was too old and she was too depressed about something to pay any attention to him.

Anyway, my sister and I would stroll around town arm in arm, I pointing out everything I saw to try to cheer my sister up and she brooding and staring into the sea spray. The Colonel Brandon guy would ride his big black horse just beside and behind us. We went to a dance. The rich skanks made fun of our plain green (mine) and pink (my sister's) calico dresses. (The colors were the same as in the 2008 Sense & Sensibility, but the cuts were much simpler and had long sleeves.)
Another day, my sister and I got into a carriage accident or someone tried to rob our carriage or something and Colonel Brandon was there to save us. He lifted my sister (who was wearing blue) up on his horse to sit tight against him, and I (in sea green) had to ride in front of her, practically flung across the horse's neck. When we got into town, the rich skanks made fun of how my dress kept creeping up my legs when I sat in this awkward sidesaddle position. Some of the young men in the town also came out to laugh at me.

My sister was embarrassed and depressed and decided to go home by herself without telling anyone. She boarded the stagecoach, which inside looked like a short charter bus. Colonel Brandon found out and ran onto the coach to find her. During all of this, I'd developed a crush on Colonel Brandon mostly because he was so manly and so devoted to my sister. No one developed a crush on me. And then I woke up.