01 November 2010

The Time I Sterilized My Eyeball

So this morning I was supposed to go to a community college to observe an ESL class for my TESL class. I was nervous that I was going to miss it, and I woke up like three times in the early morning because I thought it was time. When I finally got up, I started getting ready.

Now I have to explain how my contact solution works. I'm allergic to everything, so instead of having normal Renu contact solution that I just pour on my lenses, I have to put my lenses in this special case every night and immerse them in a hydrogen peroxide solution. The special case has this special piece of metal at the bottom that neutralizes the hydrogen peroxide over six hours, so in the morning, my contacts are sterilized and floating in a water solution.

This morning when I rooted under the sink for my contacts because I don't have a medicine cabinet, I noticed that the contact case had toppled over. This should have been my first sign that there was a problem. Next, when I opened the case, I heard something fizzle. This should have been my second sign. Instead of stopping to think about how the metal would not have been in contact with the solution when the case was upside down and about how water does not fizzle, I took out the right contact and stuck it in my eye.

Oh, the pain! It took me about fifteen to twenty excruciating seconds to pry open my suddenly swollen eyelids and fish the contact out of my streaming eye. My whole right eye was bright red and burning. I tried to pour saline solution in my eye, but my eyelids were pretty opposed to me inserting anything else. A few minutes later, I doused my eye with the redness drops I use for my allergy redness. It worked better than I thought it would, but I did pour in about half the bottle when the recommended dose is two drops.

However, my right eye is still red and stings a little. This is especially annoying because all last week, my left eye was red from a cold or something and I was all embarrassed. Over the weekend, my left eye cleared up, and I was so happy about my nice white eyes this morning. And now I look like a druggie again.

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