15 March 2010

What Kind of Aunt I'll Be Someday

When my little sister grows up, gets married, and has kids, I'll be the weirdo aunt who still doesn't have her life together. I will have two cats, neither of which will love me as much as my first cat, Missy Butterball, did. I'll ask my sister to let me have the kids over for a week during the summer, and she'll come over first to inspect my entire apartment: she's make sure I have enough nutritious food for her children and that the power outlets and cabinets are childproofed. She'll also hand me a schedule of places I have to take the kids every day—like the aquarium and the water park—because she doesn't want us to sit around doing nothing for a week. In the evenings, I'll tell my nieces and nephews rambling stories about how I didn't appreciate BYU while I was there, and how all the intelligent, good-looking, ambitious Mormon men marry within a year of returning from their missions, and then we'll watch lots of movies and stuff ourselves with ice cream. Hopefully, when the kids are young, they'll find it romantic that I keep moving and always wear strange clothing. They'll find my tales of trying to make it as an editor, writer, teacher, poetess, secretary, bookstore clerk, maid, waitress, and other minor vocations fascinating. My greatest achievement will be one of my teenaged nieces running away to my house because she and my sister got in a big argument about how my niece doesn't want to take AP classes anymore. Maybe they'll be arguing about a boy—but I doubt it, since my family's late-bloomerism will have been what got me in my position in the first place.


  1. haha. As much as I want to deny that I would be THAT kind of mom. You know, with the schedules and strict eating habits.. I kind of think I will be. However, you're going to have to wait a long time. I'm not having kids for like 10 years. Thank you very much.

  2. P.S. Have you been watching Parenthood with Lauren Graham? I have. It is moderately good. I think I could relate more if I was a parent. But it makes think of what we'll be like when we're older.

  3. I know you'll be that kind of mom. It's not bad, it's just how you are deep down. Your children will appreciate the structure.
    I watched almost the entire first episode of Parenthood, but I got kind of bored. Enough with the pushy baseball dad already! Has Mommy been watching it?

  4. I liked the second episode way better. It picked up a lot. I saw the second one first and then went back and watched the pilot, which wasn't as good.

    Not really. She kind of watched it from the dining room table while eating her evening chocolate and laughed some, but I don't know if she was that into it.
