Last night I dreamt that I was on Babylon 5. I've never seen even a clip of the show Babylon 5, so my brain didn't have much to go on besides the fact that it's set in space and the show stole Cat Grant's character from Lois & Clark. I'm not even sure Babylon 5 is a spaceship, but it was in my dream.
Anyway, I was wearing an early Star Trek TNG jumpsuit (without the Federation insignia, natch) and had long permed hair. Suddenly some guards grabbed me and forced me into a small prison pod with a purple and green Muppet-alien because Mr T had arrived on board! He was a space villain! Mr T was wearing this white uniform with red piping, and he had a bunch of minions in similar costumes. They did a choreographed dance number about how I was going down, and then the pod was released, we fell down, down, down towards an earthlike planet, and then I woke up.