I had this dark, mysterious guyfriend who really liked me but never said anything who had some kind of connection with the gang. He made them swear never to abduct me. However, the leader of the gang resented my friend's power over him, so he abducted the passenger in my car not once but twice. I was so scared of them.
Then my mom came to visit me, and we went to Spain to tour the replicas of the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María. They were docked in a beautiful harbor and the sun was shining. Then she and I spent some time in a building where the typical dream-stuff happened: I felt like I wasn't wearing enough clothing and then when I tried to change clothes in the women's restrooms, all of them had super long lines with a few men in the lines so I felt intimidated.
Anyway, then my mom and I finally got back to the lobby of the building where we'd been stuck and saw that not only was the sun setting, but a terrific storm had appeared. There was thunder and lightening and ferocious wind and some funnel clouds. My mom and I decided to run to our rental car in the parking lot and drive back to our hotel before the storm got even worse. The rain came down so hard, and when lightning struck I could smell it and feel the vibrations. We should have stayed inside after all, but by now we were closer to the car than the building.
My mom had the car keys, but I was driving. She unlocked the doors, but as we climbed in the car, the Cockney gang showed up and grabbed the keys from her. We got in the car and snapped our seatbelts, but the windows were partially open and they were grabbing at us. Since we didn't have the keys, I couldn't turn on the car and drive away. I got out my cellphone and tried to call my friend and tell him to tell the gang to back off, but I had no signal.
Suddenly the windows were the roll-up kind, so my mom and I rolled up the windows and decided to stay in the car like that until the Cockney guys went away or were struck by lightning. I think I did get a hold of my friend, or he heard from someone else what the gang was up to, because he contacted the gang and told them to stand down. However, they were tired of listening to him, so they decided that if they couldn't kidnap my mom, they'd dump our car in the harbor next to the Niña. A couple of them went to get a crane.
I pulled some wires out from under the steering wheel and tried to hotwire the car, and then I woke up.